Executive summary

Pfizer recently updated the results of their randomized clinical trial of the COVID shots on pregnant women entitled “To Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Immunogenicity of BNT162b2 Against COVID-19 in Healthy Pregnant Women 18 Years of Age and Older. ClinicalTrials.gov IDNCT04754594.

This prompted me to have a second look at these results which were first posted on July 14, 2023, over a year ago.

Did you know that the study showed that if you were assigned the vaccine, your child had a stunning 4.2X higher rate of AESIs such as MAJOR congenital abnormalities and developmental delays in just the first 6 months after birth?

Because the trial enrolled fewer women than planned, the effect size reached only the 90% level of significance. Based on just this trial, we are 90% certain that the vaccines made things worse. However, when you look at other data, the certainty approaches 100%.

4.2X is jaw dropping for an effect size for these types of major birth defect adverse events.

Was there a benefit? Nope. Moms in both groups got the same number of COVID infections (2 in each group). Vaccine efficacy estimated at a measly 3.8 (because the groups were different sizes). A perfect vaccine is 100. A vaccine which does nothing is 0. The 3.8 value was both tiny and NOT statistically significant. It’s entirely possible that the vaccine increased your risk of getting COVID. We can’t tell from the study.

This was all known more than 5 months ago when the results were first posted.

Why didn’t the CDC warn women that they were wrong?

This double-blinded placebo controlled trial which is considered to be the best evidence in medicine shows that it’s 90% likely it made things worse.

It’s Pfizer’s own data published on Clinical Trials.gov using gold-standard DB-RCT methodology. Anyone can analyze it. It’s in plain sight. Doesn’t get any better than this.

Today, more than 5 months after the lack of any COVID benefit was published on the NIH website (clinicaltrials.gov), the CDC is still silent on this.

Is the entire medical community blind, ignorant, or just corrupt? NOT A SINGLE MAINSTREAM doctor is speaking out. NOT ONE.

Dr. James Thorp got fired for speaking out about the vaccine harms to pregnant women so he’s not mainstream anymore since he’s out of the system. One of the few honest doctors and he gets fired. What does that tell you? His research which has been published in peer-reviewed journals, confirms the results of the Pfizer trial. In spades.

We have a very corrupt medical system where everyone is afraid to tell the truth.


Read more at: https://kirschsubstack.com/p/pfizer-pregnancy-trial-showed-the